
Soundtrack for an art exhibition

An excerpt of the soundtrack loop for an exhibition by a Guadeloupean artist Karib.

The piece is largely based on the high-pitched sound of a reverberating cannon shell casing, which acts like a tuning fork after being fired. In this case, its frequency is about 4400 Hz, or slightly below C#, which corresponds to the wavelength of the casing’s diameter or the cannon’s caliber. The sound is played at different octaves/pitches and processed in various ways. It is mixed with the sound of a Tibetan prayer bell and a temporally lengthened and highly processed sound of a creaking door brings along an organic dynamism.


Augmented reality art piece based on street signs

ORB is a work commissioned by Juha van Ingen. The installation turns ordinary street sign post into a pedestal for a virtual sculpture.


Sonification of a tree – Requiem for the Tree of the Glass Palace

In the downtown of Helsinki there is a place called Lasipalatsin audio (Glass Palace Square). The place is going to be renovated, and the square too. In the middle of the square there is a tree, which will be cut. A group of artists decided to create a group of works for the tree. I was also asked to participate.

I decided to take photos of the tree, which I would then use as the source for a sound process. In the process the photo is scanned from left to right. The white portion provides date for a group of oscillators, waveforms and filters. The final piece is a result of one of the passes.


ASLAP: 1000 year long GIF animation – the longest GIF in the world?

AS Long As Possible (ASLAP) is a 1000 year long animated GIF loop. It’s an art project by Juha van Ingen in collaboration with Janne Särkelä. It is the longest GIF in the world. After 1000 years it’ll start again from the beginning.

The starting point in making AS Long As Possible was to make a one extremely long animated GIF loop. ASLAP is made of black frames with a white number indicating the frames position in the loop. There are 48 140 288 frames which change in c.a. 10 minute intervals making the total duration of the loop 1000 years.

The GIF animation specification itself doesn’t limit its length.

The name of ASLAP is hommage to John Cage composition “ORGAN2/ASLSP” (1987) which is played with Halberstad organs for the next 625 years. The abbreviation of Cages composition included and instruction to the performer of the piece: As SLow aS Possible.


Audiovisual installation art piece based on wearable sensor data

The piece called D-A-T/D-A was presented in a group exhibition “ NOT IMPRESSIVE NOT BELIEVABLE ”.

The artists collectively known as KNPSST are Mira Kautto, Alisa Närvänen, Elina Peltonen, Marko Suovula, Janne Särkelä and Pekka Tynkkynen whose backgrounds are in art, clothing design, technology, music, architecture and contemporary dance. The group came together in the summer 2015 at Kone Foundation’s Saari Residence, where their first collaborative project called d-a-t/d-a started.

d-a-t/d-a is a document of an interdisciplinary project rooted in wearable sensor technology. It is a kinetic data installation, which registers physical gestures and movements and translates them into sound and light.