
Website of a campaign promoting children’s participation

MunVuoro campaign main siteMunVuoro Children's PagesMunVuoro! (MyTurn!) campaign is a joint participatory project of eight Finnish organizations for children and youth. The main purpose is to develop methods for child participation and to support education for democracy

The website consists of the main informational pages for organizers and interactive pages for children. The target group are children aged 6 to 12.

The site was realized with the WordPress CMS.


Function to hide pages from the editor view on the dashboard of WordPress per user capability

I’m building a multi-user WordPress environment. The users are divided in groups with certain privileges. The privileges mostly concerns the backend, or the dashboard of WordPress. The purpose is to restrict the users’ ability to edit certain pages.

It’s straightforward to control user’s abilities with a role and capability plugin like Members. It’s not possible to control the user’s abilities in the dashboard with Members however. In that case it’s useful to create specific filters for the groups which show just the pages a group can edit.


Website for a youth camp

The theme of the camp is derived from the Finnish folklore. The camp is for 10 to 16 year old children and youth. The site was built with WordPress. Besides designing the website I created the visuals and graphics, and I’m also responsible of the media production for the whole event.
